16-17 September-2023, in Mogadishu

1st Somali National ID Conference (SNIDC)


The National ID conference

The National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) is an autonomous authority under the Federal Government of Somalia, which is mandated to register citizens and legal resident by providing with unique number. NIRA is organizing to hold Somalia’s Digital ID conference in coordination with the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs, and Reconciliation. NIRA is preparing to hold a well-organized National ID Conference under the theme, “Laying the Foundation for a Trusted National ID.”

Get the latest info about NIRA

“Laying the Foundation for Somalia’s Identification Ecosystem”

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Overall, the conference organized by NIRA intends to lay the foundation for a trusted national ID system in Somalia. It aims to achieve this by informing and engaging stakeholders, sharing knowledge and experiences, highlighting the role of national ID in state building process, and promoting socioeconomic development. Through these objectives, the conference aims to create a platform for collaboration and set the stage for the successful implementation of the national ID initiative in Somalia.



Meet our Conference speakers

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud
Hamza Abdi Barre
Ahmed Macalin Fiqi
Abdiwali Ali Abdulle Timacade



1st Somalia National ID Conference (SNIDC)

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Arrival at conference Hall Registrations

The Somali National ID Conference is an annual flagship event that will bring together from the identification and

The Somali National ID Conference is an annual flagship event that will bring together from the identification and registration of persons stakeholders across Somalia.

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Opening Ceremony

Welcoming Remarks and Presentation about the NIRA • Recital of the holy Qur’an • Statement by Pakistan Representative

Welcoming Remarks and Presentation about the NIRA
• Recital of the holy Qur’an
• Statement by Pakistan Representative
• Statement by the World Bank Group
• Statement by the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General
• Statement by the International Partners Representative Remarks
• Statement by the FMS Minsters of Interior Representative
• Statement by the Mayor of Mogadishu
• Keynote Speech by the Minister of Education, Culture and Higher Education (“National ID a Social Good)
• Statement by the Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation
• Statement by the H.E. Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia

Abdiwali Ali AbdulleNIRA Director General
Pakistan Representative
Kristina Svensson - World Bank Country Manager
Catriona Laing – UN Special Representative of the Secretary General
International Partners Representative Remarks
FMS Minsters of Interior Representative
H.E. Yusuf Hussein Jim’aale - Mayor of Mogadishu
H.E. Farah Sheikh Abdikadir -Minister of Education, Culture and Higher
H.E.Ahmed Moallim Fiqi Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation
H.E. Hamze Abdi Barre Prime Minister of Federal Government of Somalia

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Tea-break and networking

Tea-break and networking

Tea-break and networking

11:00 AM – 12:30 PM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Session 1: The National ID as a Social Good

The National ID system serves as a significant social good with numerous benefits for individuals and the society

The National ID system serves as a significant social good with numerous benefits for individuals and the society as a whole. It provides a secure and reliable means of identification, enabling citizens to access various services and exercise their rights.

Keynote speech:
•H.E. Yusuf Mohamed Adan – State Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
Moderator: Mr. Abdirahman Ahmed Farah, – Local Government Advisor

Panel Discussion
Abdirizak H Hassan - –
Senior Technical Advisor Ministry of Health and Human Services
• Hon Nadra Saleh Abdi – Chairperson of Social Affairs Subcommittee, FGS
• World Bank representative
• Mr. Masood Ahmadi – Programme Manager, IOM
• Dr. Hassan Mahadallah, Rector, Somalia National University

14:00 PM – 15:30 PM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Session 2: Legal and Regulatory Foundations for the Somali National ID

With a primary focus on the legal and regulatory aspects, the platform aims to address key questions related

With a primary focus on the legal and regulatory aspects, the platform aims to address key questions related to digital identity. Through roundtable panel discussions, the forum will foster comprehensive conversations to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with legal identity.

Keynote Speaker
H.E. Ahmed Hassan– Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs
. Dr. Afyare Elmi – Executive Director, Heritage Institute, Presentation

Moderator: Avv. Mohamed Hassan Musse, – Legal Advisor to the Office of National Security - Office of the President

1. Shirwa Jama- Country Director, IDLO 2. Senator Deka Hassan Hussein - Chairperson of Internal affairs, Reconciliation, Federalism and Relations of Federal Member States Committee (Upper House)
3. Dr. Afyare Elmi – Executive Director, Heritage
4. Abdikani Weheliye – Director of Civil Registration, MoIFAR

15:30 PM – 16:00 PM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Tea-break and networking

Tea-break and networking

Tea-break and networking

16:00 PM – 17:30 PM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Session 3: The National ID as a Driver of Digital Transformation and Innovation

The National ID system plays a pivotal role as a catalyst for digital transformation and innovation. It provides

The National ID system plays a pivotal role as a catalyst for digital transformation and innovation. It provides individuals with a secure and unique digital identity, enabling the integration of advanced technologies and digital solutions across multiple sectors. Serving as a foundational element for e-government initiatives, the National ID system facilitates streamlined online services, efficient data management, and enhanced interactions between citizens and the government.

keynote speaker:
• H.E. Ahmed Dirie – State Minister of Communication and Technology
• Mohamed Ahmed Dirie (Yabooh) - - Deputy of Security and Politics for the Banadir Region.

Panel Discussions
Moderator: Dr. Abdiwahab Elmi – Managing Director, Bravo Group Panel Discussion
1. Mr. Usman Cheema Director General - Technology & Development NADRA
2. H.E. Ali Bal’ad – State Minister of Foreign Affairs
3. Eng. Abdullahi Bihi Hussein – Deputy Director General, NIRA
4. Telecommunication sector/NCA

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Session 4: Role of the National ID in promoting stabilization and state building

The National ID system is instrumental in promoting stabilization and statebuilding efforts. It serves as a crucial tool

The National ID system is instrumental in promoting stabilization and statebuilding efforts. It serves as a crucial tool for establishing and strengthening the foundations of governance, stability, and legitimacy within a nation. By providing a reliable and verifiable means of identification for citizens, the National ID system enhances the state's capacity to deliver essential services, maintain law and order, and foster social cohesion.

Keynote speaker:
H.E. Fardowso Osman Egal – Minister of Transport & Civil Aviation
Mr. Ahmed Said Mohamed – General Director, IND

Panel Discussions
1. Mustaf Abdullahi Hasaan – Director General of Ministry of Interior, Local Governance and Stabilization, SWS
2. Ramadan Haji Elmi - Stabilization Advisor, MoIFAR
3. Iftikhar Ahmed – NRA Programme Coordinator/Advisor – UNSOM
4.Amjad Bhatti - Technical Specialist, UNDP

10:30 AM– 11:00 AM #Hanger, Mogadishu, Somalia

Tea-break and networking

Tea-break and networking

Tea-break and networking

11:00 AM – 12: 30 PM #Halane compound, Afisiyooni,

Session 5: National ID as an enabler for financial Inclusion and Access to services

By providing individuals with a unique and verifiable identity, the National ID system unlocks opportunities for individuals to

By providing individuals with a unique and verifiable identity, the National ID system unlocks opportunities for individuals to participate in the formal financial sector. It enables easier access to banking services, credit facilities, and insurance, empowering individuals to manage their finances effectively and mitigate risks. In light of the upcoming Mutual Evaluation to assess our country’s measures to combat money-laundering and financial terrorism, our banking and finance sector also faces challenges that inhibit its growth and put its future at risk. The discussions around these issues will be examined from different perspectives by the panelists.

Keynote speaker:
H.E. Abdiqafar Elmi Hange - Deputy Minister of Finance, FGS

Moderator: Dr. Uwais Abdullahi Ali - Senior Researcher for Economics and Social Policy, Heritage

Panel Discussions
1. Mohamed Abdi Mohamed General Manager – Central Bank of Somalia
2. Suleiman Abdi Dualeh - CEO of Gargaara
3. Yasin M. Ibar – CEO Somali Bankers Association (SBA)
4. Abukar Osman – SCALED-UP PIU Coordinator
5. Jibril Adan Mohamed - Global Risk and Compliance, Tawakal Group, Board Member

12:30 PM – 14:00 PM #Halane compound, Afisiyooni,

Lunch Break and Prayers

Lunch Break and Prayers

Lunch Break and Prayers

14: 00 PM – 16:30 PM #Halane compound, Afisiyooni

Somalia National ID Launch

Recitation of the Holy Quran Opening remarks, Director General Statement by the UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Lionel Laurens

Recitation of the Holy Quran
Opening remarks, Director General
Statement by the UNDP Resident Representative, Mr. Lionel Laurens Congratulatory remarks by the Government of Pakistan Representative,
H. E. Sarfraz Bugti, Minister of Interior, Pakistan Speech of the Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation,
H. E. Ahmed Moallim Fiqi The National Anthem of the Federal Republic of Somalia,
Launch of the National ID Ceremony, Ribbon Cutting by H. E. Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia
Enrolment and Issuance of the National ID Number to selected dignitaries of the Federal Republic of Somalia
Speech of H. E. Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia on the Launch of the 1st Legal Digital National ID System

16:00 PM- 16:30 PM #Halane compound, Afisiyooni

Closing Ceremony



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